Love The Poor

The Way of Love – Love the Poor

Poverty hurts and the Way of Love calls us to go to where the pain is, to do what we can, and not harden our hearts. We are learning how the Safety Net works, and we play a role in it with our food pantry and short-term acts of charity. We also seek to learn how systemic economic changes can be made so the poor can move out of poverty to real hope, and sustainability.

Education – Love the Poor 


A complete website on many social justice issues – including poverty.  ‘We believe that social (justice) teaching is central, not fringe; social (justice) ministry is integral, not optional; it is the work of every believer, not just the mission of a few committed people or committees.’

Social justice and advocacy engagement is the work of Episcopalians to build community networks for justice by connecting and mobilizing people “from the pews to the public square”.

The following moral agenda is drawn from this deep engagement and commitment to these struggles of the poor and dispossessed. The Souls of Poor Folk: Auditing America report reveals how the evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy and militarism are persistent, pervasive, and perpetuated by a distorted moral narrative that must be challenged.

Web Articles & Podcasts

For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades

But despite the strong labor market, wage growth has lagged economists’ expectations. In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago.

Why the next stage of capitalism is coming

It’s done so much for human well-being, but it’s far from perfect. Will capitalism as we know it evolve into something new?  Capitalism has fuelled the industrial, technological and green revolutions, reshaped the natural world and transformed the role of the state in relation to society. It has lifted innumerable people out of poverty over the last two centuries … In one 2020 survey by the marketing and public relations firm Edelman, 57% of people worldwide said that “capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good in the world”.


Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger

Groundbreaking analysis showing that greater economic equality-not greater wealth-is the mark of the most successful societies, and offering new ways to achieve it.

The Nordic Model of Social Democracy

“This concise volume traces the development of the social democratic of the social democratic movement and parties in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden from their mid-nineteenth-century origins to the present. … This is a well-written monograph that would enrich courses on modern Scandinavia or even European politics.”

A Framework for Understanding Poverty

People in poverty face challenges virtually unknown to those in middle class or wealth–challenges from both obvious and hidden sources. The reality of being poor brings out a survival mentality, and turns attention away from opportunities taken for granted by everyone else


Inequality for All

A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, Inequality for All features Robert Reich – professor, best-selling author, and Clinton cabinet member – as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy.

Saving Capitalism

Saving Capitalism is a documentary film that follows former Secretary of Labor and Professor, Robert Reich, as he takes his book and his views to the heart of conservative America to speak about our economic system and present big ideas for how to fix it.

Dirty Money

A Netflix Original Series documenting various stories about exposing the greed, corruption, and crime spreading through the global economy.

For Labor Day, here are five documentaries the bosses don’t want you to see.

Labor Day is one federal holiday whose true meaning tends to get lost amid the back-to-school rush. Born out of the organized labor movements of the 19th century and set for Monday, Sept. 6, in 2021, it’s supposed to be a celebration of the contributions that workers have brought to America. It’s also supposed to serve as a reminder of the rights and benefits that labor unions have fought for.

Inspiration – Love the Poor


1 John 3:17
But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?

Click here for more scriptures about caring for the poor.

Most merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget: in America and in the undeveloped countries too; those who live on city streets or in slums, and those destitute out in the countryside. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit, and to turn their grinding poverty into hope. Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who was poor and who loved those who had little, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Click herefor more prayers about caring for the poor.

Music / Art / Poetry

Art About Poverty and Homelessness

In anticipation of our collaboration with Andres Serrano called Residents of New York, opening May 19th, we are featuring artists who have made socially engaging work about poverty and homelessness.

3 Examples of Art Highlighting Poverty

Poverty has been the chosen subject of many forms of art throughout time.  Art shines a light on the matters that fundamentally influence society. Here are three examples of art highlighting poverty.

Actions – Love the Poor


Diocese of West Texas World Missions

The World Missions Department seeks to engage every member and every church of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas in the work of evangelism and mission. We are working to be faithful to the Great Commission, Jesus Christ’s command to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19), and His Great Commandment “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

* Members of St. Andrew’s have traveled on mission trips to Honduras for many years to serve a community there with educational and veterinary work.

Good Samaritan Community Services

The mission of Good Samaritan Community Services in San Antonio (Good Sam) is to serve as a catalyst for change, supporting youth, individuals and families by providing excellent community services to overcome economic poverty.

* St. Andrew’s participates in the Christmas Bag meals which takes place from Thanksgiving through the first two weeks of December.

Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM)

Just like a triage or emergency room, folks come to CAM in all sorts of crisis.  No appointment is necessary and all are welcome.  CAM provides many items to meet clients’ immediate physical needs while also addressing the needs of the mind and soul.  CAM is also a vital connection for clients who need long-term support by providing referrals and advocating for the client to other nonprofits and/or government agencies.

* St. Andrew’s donates to CAM’s work with a permanent clothing donation located in Skiver Hall.

 San Antonio Food Bank

Fighting hunger and feeding hope in San Antonio and Southwest Texas. The San Antonio Food Bank takes pride in fighting hunger, feeding hope in our 29 county service area. We believe that no child should go to bed hungry, adults should not have to choose between a hot meal and utilities, nor a senior sacrifice medical care for the sake of a meal.

* St. Andrew’s runs a twice monthly food pantry out of the church with the food purchased from the SA Food Bank using funds from the once a month Hunger Lunch.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio is an ecumenical Christian non-profit housing organization working in partnership with God’s people in need to build modest, decent and affordable houses without interest or profit, thereby witnessing God’s love in action.

* St. Andrew’s has been a part of many build teams usually occurring between Spring and early Fall.  Click here for video.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army has a long history of helping those in need; 2014 Marked the 125th anniversary of Doing The Most Good in San Antonio, a proud history!

* St. Andrew’s has participates in the annual Angel Tree each year providing clothing and gifts for children and seniors during the Christmas season.